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You've asked and we have created an opportunity for you and your family to become official partners of Geneses Warren Ministries. Connecting to the prophetic anointing by your covenant seed is going to shift your life.  


Why is Partnership important? 
Partnership with your monthly seed is a sign of honor, covenant, and support. Your success and prosperity are connected to the prophetic anointing according to scripture. God is looking for a remnant and you need a Prophet/Prophetess. Prophet's foresee and foreknow, your connection to the prophetic is a divine advantage. .

Partnership also helps with ministry funding for future events, products, etc. Your monthly seed will help advance the kingdom of God. 

2 Corinthians 20:20 (KJV) 
….Believe in the LORD your 
God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye 
Amos 3:7 (KJV) 
Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto 
his servants the prophets. 
Hosea 12:13 (KJV) 
And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a 
prophet was he preserved. 


$20.00 USD monthly  


Benefits include:  

•Monthly conference call w/Partners only. Prophetic ministry according to the leading of Holy Spirit.  

•VIP seating at ALL events hosted by Prophetess Geneses Warren 

•Power Surge teaching/prayer downloadable Mp3 replay  

•Geneses Warren Ministries commodity gift  


.How to become official:  

Click the button below. Once your partnership seed has been sown, you will receive a welcome letter in which your benefits are active immediately. Please be SURE to click the box that says “Make this a monthly donation”. 

I look forward to your partnership.  

 MEGA Blessings.. 


A Few Testimonials

Being called to the prophetic is hard enough but to be called with no "church" background at all is excruciating! The teaching in GA is phenomenal! After the first two classes, my whole life made sense! I thank God for Prophetess Geneses Warren and Gideon's Army! I am stronger and more confident in who and what God has called me to be! #PropheticPeopleRock 



Being a part of Gideon's Army have enhanced my sense of who I am. I have found a new aggression to seek my true identity with the tools that I have been given. I thought I was an oddball...a misfit. I have learned that I am just who God has called me to be and with the confirmation and encouragement of Prophetess Warren and Gideon's Army, I'm on the right track. Thank you!



I've been seeking God even more since I have been connected to PGW and GA; my spirit and my eyes have been enlightened to another place in God.i truly thank God for the impartation that have caused an awakening; the Glory of God that is on Prophetess Geneses is like a magnet that draws you to the God in her and the word that she carries will transform your life. Thank you for not be selfish with the gifts that God has blessed you with Prophetess....continue to empower us for greatness!!! I am truly honored to be connected to PGW and everybody that makes up Gideon’s Army in this season of my life!



This has been a PHENOMENAL divine experience! The knowledge gained and the impartation is priceless. Each session was empowering and captivating…



Before there ever was a Gideon's Army Prophetic Mentorship established, I literally had been in search of a people who would help me to make sense of who I am! Rejection told me I couldn't say or do things because I needed them to like me and fear gripped me to the point of no return! I have been called stubborn, rebellious and a complete outcast. Then came GAPM... I thank God because I can see clearly now, truth has come concerning my temperament and I no longer have to compromise who I am any longer. Through such strong, revelatory teachings of mantles to mandates, prophetic temperaments to prophetic types, etc. I have been enlightened.. I have been awakened... I HAVE BEEN EMPOWERED! Thank you, Prophetess Geneses Warren for your obedience and willing heart to impart so much into us! I’m ready for round 2!



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