The Lord has really been speaking to me concerning the Entertainment Mountain of Influence and how COMEDIANS are about to arise beyond what they could ever imagine. Of course we are living in the day of Social Media, so entertainers now have an advantage to larger audiences. For the last 2 years or so, we have witnessed church comedy go viral within a matter of hours. We have watched Karlton Humes (@NotKarltonBanks) Christian Porter (@TheChristiShow) Phil Bryant (@SirPhil) and Anna Douglas. I am sure that there are others however, these are the four that I’ve seen via social media. This word is not only to those mentioned, but to those who have a passion for comedy. Some the world doesn’t know yet due to their fear of acceptance or the fear of “Am I funny enough!?” However, the moment that they come into agreement wth the Lord’s will for their life is the moment that opportunity will meet preparation which equals to favor and opened doors.
THE WORD OF THE LORD: Now the time and the day has come that I will raise up comedians as a form of MINISTRY! This is the day that I will cause my creative mind to enter into the minds of those who are called to the Entertainment Industry by way of COMEDY! As long as you stay connected to the SOURCE you WILL never have to worry about running out of creativity or disappointing your fans. Social Media is only a platform for a people to experience what the world is about to accept on an even greater scale. For the days of Rickey Smiley are upon many, for even he will receive the burden to mentor, affirm and push to their greatest potential. Gospel Comedy is about to go MAINSTREAM. For the Lord says, be not afraid to step out of the BOX. The Gospel is the MESSAGE not your style or personality. Comedy is about to become one of the most progressive soul winning tools. People who will NEVER attend church will become inspired while laughing, convicted while being entertained AND compelled while witnessing history in the making saith the Lord. (Tyler Perry is a mainstream example of this with his plays and movies. You may hear a few profane words however, the message is inspiring, convicting and though provoking.)
GET READY for movies and MAINSTREAM hosting! For the Lord is preparing the way for you to DOMINATE the area in which you have been called. Don’t become discouraged or frustrated. While others are laughing some of you have been secretly frustrated, you are ready for what’s next. Your next level is upon you! Watch your character and what you entertain. There is someone watching you who has the power to change your STATUS and LOCATION. Congrats, the wind of God is about to BLOW on your career!